Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma and his producers have decided not to release the first part of Rakht Charithra because the makers are not keen on revealing Suriya's look, prior to the release of the Tamil version. According to the trade reports, Telugu and Hindi version of Rakht Charithra – 1 are scheduled to hit the screens on October 22, while the Tamil version will release along with the second part on November 19.
Sources close to Ram Gopal Varma has revealed that Suriya will be appearing during the last 10 mins of the first part. If it gets released in Tamil Nadu, it will gradually reveal the look of film. Dayanidhi Azhagiri of Cloud Nine Productions has also agreed to this as he felt that the Tamil version shouldn't been affected by these releases.
The Tamil version is nothing but sleekly edited versions of both the first and the second part. Vivek Oberoi has a huge fan following in Tamil Nadu primarily for his kind gesture of adopting an entire village of Tamil Nadu, that was affected by Tsunami in 2004.
Although, Ram Gopal Varma hasn't made any Tamil film, still there is a large section of die hard fans for his movies. With Suriya and Priyamani as the main highlighting factors of the Tamil version, Dayanidhi Azhagiri plans for a bigger release of Raktha Charithram.
Although the songs of the Tamil version were released a couple of weeks earlier, none of them have become popular due to the lack of publicity.
Monday, October 18, 2010 12:01 IST