So pleased was director Mohit Suri with Mashhoor Amrohi's performance as the comic relief Goldie in Mahesh Bhatt's 'Crook', that he has gifted the Kamaal Amrohi grandson a Breitling gold watch worth Rs 7 lakh.
Mashhoor, who started off in Bollywood, playing the romantic lead in his home production 'Humsey Hai Jahaan', enacted the role of Emraan Hashmi's best friend; a jovial Punjabi bloke in 'Crook'.
"Mashhoor's evolved as an actor from his first film, " says Mohit. The director adds, "I loved his timing and flair for comedy. Since he surpassed my expectations playing the character of Goldie, I decided to surprise him with a token of appreciation."
Mashhoor is so kicked about the golden watch, that he's been showing it off to all and sundry. Wonder how the film's hero Emraan is going to feel when he learns about Mohit's super-expensive 'golden' gift to Mashhoor!
Thursday, October 21, 2010 11:36 IST