Sartaj Singh Pannu, who made his directorial and acting debut with "Soch Lo", is elated after being contacted by the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to acquire the copies of the screenplay of his small budget film for their
permanent core collection.
The movie, released Aug 27, sank without a trace at the box office. However it garnered critical acclaims and has even
qualified for Independent Spirit Awards, 2011, Colorado in the foreign film category.
"It's a great honour that we got a request from the Academy that they wish to showcase the screenplay of 'Soch Lo'. The
script would be made accessible for research purposes for students, filmmakers, writers and actors and among their regular
patrons. For an independent film in India it's a milestone, " Pannu said in a press statement.
The survivor drama narrates the story of a man who is left to die in a desert. It was made at a shoestring budget of Rs.3
crore, and didn't even boast of any big actors.
Pannu now looks back at the project with fondness.
"I would say the entire journey of shooting to the release was overwhelming and this news has given us new encouragement.
We are now working on a paced action thriller which will be announced shortly, " he added.
Saturday, October 23, 2010 13:24 IST