British comedian Russell Brand, who tied the knot with singer Katy Perry in a traditional Indian wedding, will be questioned
by the Indian police over an alleged assault on a group of photographers in Rajasthan.
Brand was enjoying an outdoor adventure in the Ranthambhore region with his family and friends when the star's bodyguards
allegedly clashed with a group of photographers a day before his wedding Saturday.
The snappers, who were following the group and taking their pictures, claim a member of Brand's entourage approached their
vehicle, punched the driver in the face and took away his car keys.
Photographer Mustafa Quraishi was then allegedly beaten as he attempted to retrieve the keys while two other men claim to
have been assaulted as they came to his rescue.
"The photographers have filed a complaint of assault and all witnesses, including Mr. Brand, will be questioned. Police
officers will be going to the advise the alleged perpetrators of an arrest and that a case has been filed, " quoted the Ranthambhore police as saying.
"It is certainly not a good thing because an Indian photographer has been beaten up in his own country by a foreigner. The
photographer would like an apology and if the perpetrator is willing to apologise, then we can take back the case, " the
statement added.
Monday, October 25, 2010 13:27 IST