The Bombay High Court gave the verdict on Saturday that reality television show 'Bigg Boss' was to continue its shoot in the
Lonavala region of Maharashtra.
The verdict came as a blow to the Lonavala Municipal Corporation, which on
Thursday had lodged a complaint asking the 'Bigg Boss' producers to halt shooting, citing the reason that the 'Bigg Boss'
house inside which the reality show is being conducted, is not supposed to be built on more than to acres of land. Thankfully
for the Bombay HC, the 'Bigg Boss' participants will not be rendered destitute!
The Lonavala Municipal Corporation will now have to maintain status quo and reply via an affidavit to the Viacom 18 Media
Private Limited, the sponsors for the show who have challenged the eviction notice.
In the complaint which was
lodged in court, it was said that the 'Bigg Boss' house had violated legal terms and conditions by using land which was
licensed to be used for manufacturing purposes. However, the Bombay High Court annulled the complaint and ruled that the
building being used by the 'Bigg Boss' authorities was not unauthorized.
The premises inside which the 'Bigg Boss' episodes are presently being shot is located near Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Marg
in Lonavala and measures 5, 76, 000 square metres.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:17 IST