While Khali is one of the most popular contestants on 'Bigg Boss 4', not everybody is happy with him. Reports claim that to keep Khali inside the 'Bigg Boss' house, it costs the producers of the show a fortune, and they are now biting their nails over the fact that The Great Khali had been brought into the house on a wild card entry!
Not only has the WWE wrestler charged a huge amount for being a part of the show, but he is also the most expensive contestant of 'Bigg Boss 4', keeping in mind the huge amount that has to be spent on his food!
Media sources claim that Khali has not only charged a total of Rs.50 lakhs prior to his being a part of 'Bigg Boss 4', the wrestler has demanded Rs. 40 – 50 lakhs for each week he spends inside the 'Bigg Boss' house.
This is a huge sum compared to the amounts being paid to the other contestants on the show, who charge Rs. 2 to 25 lakhs, depending on their popularity status in the country.
After the completion of his stint on 'Bigg Boss 4', The Great Khali will proceed on to shoot for a film titled "Ramaa—The Saviour".
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 13:18 IST