Bollywood actress Neetu Chandra who is in Pattaya, Thailand, shooting for Tamil industry's showman Ameer Sultan's film 'Aadhi Bhagavan' is down with a curious case of introduction to smoking.
Neetu who plays the leading lady in the Kollywood film opposite Southern superstar Jayam Ravi, had to enact a scene, wherein her character smokes a lot. Though initially, this was a serious issue for the non-smoker that Neetu is, she decided to give it her best shot simply for the sake of professionalism.
While director Ameer taught her how to hold a cigarette in different ways, Neetu ended up indulging herself with 28 cigarettes before the scene was finally okayed.
"It was fun, " Neetu laughed after the day's shoot. She wouldn't have, if she knew that by the time this piece would go in print, she'd be taking medicines for a sore throat!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 13:26 IST