Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan is presently in Berlin, busy shooting for Farhan Akhtar's Don2, so he missed to celebrate his wedding anniversary which was on Monday, with his wife Gauri. He tries his level best
to spend every moment with them, unless of course, professional commitments make him leave town!
Since he could not be present with his family in Mumbai for his anniversary, he has some other plans up his sleeves.
According to various media reports, SRK will be on his own for the wedding anniversary but reports say that it is much later in the week, when Gauri and kids Aryan and Suhana, will join him in Rome where the Karan
Johar super hit My Name Is Khan will be screened in the Film Festival for the first time.
Tabloids report that, since Karan Johar is going solely for the purpose to attend the festival, he will return to Mumbai and SRK with his family will stay back in the charming old world city, to enjoy a great holiday
Shahrukh Khan, who is a very popular star in the European countries, has a great fan following in Germany and it seems that with My Name Is Khan, releasing in Italy too, he is all set to capture the Italians hearts, as
it is, Italy is well known for its magical charm of romance.
Well, we do wish Shahrukh and his family a very happy Diwali, albeit in advance!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 12:44 IST