Bigg Boss participant Dolly Bindra is trying to ape ex-Big Brother participant Jade Goody feels publicist Dale Bhagwagar, who has handled the media for Shilpa Shetty through the thick and thin of the international Big
Brother racism controversy two years ago.
Showering shocking insults on co-participant Shweta Tiwari on the reality show, Dolly seems to have taken the easiest way to national fame. But Bhagwagar says, "such publicity could haunt her for the rest of her life."
"Instead of using nasty gimmicks to catch attention, Dolly could have opted to win the love of participants in the House. But sadly, she seems to have made a completely different choice, " remarks the PR specialist.
He feels that this "bitter flavour" of downright negative publicity has got Dolly "her 15 minutes of fame, but can be excruciatingly tormenting for her psyche later on in life."
That's exactly what had happened with Jade Goody. After her slanderous attacks on Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother, Jade got instant worldwide recognition for all the wrong reasons. When she came out of the show,
Jade realized, her countrymen had abhorred her behaviour and shunned her. "It was scary. She had become a cult figure for hate throughout the United Kingdom, " recalls Bhagwagar.
Let's see, if Dolly realizes her folly, before it's too late. We can only hope that good sense prevails on her and she doesn't end up like Jade Goody.
Thursday, October 28, 2010 11:48 IST