Bollywood musical "Zangoora" stars Hussain Kuwajerwala and Gauhar Khan took the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW) by storm as they walked the ramp for designer duo Meera and Muzzafar Ali here
The collection opened with subtle pastels and went on to geometric designs like circles, triangles and pyramids. The designers, who work under the label "Kotwara by Meera and Muzaffar Ali", stuck to what they are
best at -- innovative embroideries.
"I was going through my mother's cupboard once and found some of the finest embroideries on her clothes and thought why not incorporate it into our collection, " Muzaffar Ali told reporters after the show.
Both Hussain and Gauhar walked the ramp to represent "Zangoora", which is performed at entertainment destination Kingdom of Dreams in Gurgaon.
"It is an honour to walk for the designers. I have not been very frequent on the ramp. I was a bit nervous but I hope I did justice to it, " said Hussain, who was dressed in an all black attire.
Gauhar was also visibly excited to get back on the ramp.
"It was great to get back to the ramp. I got to meet my friends. Moreover, I have previously walked the ramp for them (Meera and Muzaffar Ali). Really enjoyed it, " said Gauhar, who looked stunning in a black and silver
saree coupled with a long heavily embroidered coat.
While the collection included a range of kaftans, sarees, coats, what was unique were suits coupled with short loose salwars. The colour palate included natural indigo blues, whites, blacks, browns and sepia.
Thursday, October 28, 2010 11:53 IST