Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi tying the knot on October 29 is known by all. But the latest news doing the rounds is about his special wedding card, which has been prepared particularly from eco-friendly and handmade
The wedding card is beautifully prepared in such a way that it appears like a jewelery box, which has two divisions. The first compartment contains chocolates and the second part carries the wedding invitation, which
will comprise of the details of various functions, a car pass and the directions to the venue.
A Ganjifa painting is also packed into the card for selected guests. The guests has been already impressed with this articulated wedding card. Even if someone is not interested to visit the occasion, the wedding card
may encourage them to spend some moments to bless the couple!
Vivek was very much excited about the marriage and his engagement with the Bangalore based girl Priyanka Alva. He was in all praise about his lady since last the few months. Now, the day has come very close and
his heart beats must have increased manifolds!
If the wedding card has been prepared in a eco-friendly manner, will they follow the same formula on their wedding day?
Thursday, October 28, 2010 12:08 IST