Aishwarya and Akshay Kumar were supposed to be on the hot seat of 'Kaun Banega Crorepati 4' to promote their upcoming film Action Replayy. But when the team turned up on the KBC set sans Ash, everyone was surprised because she did not inform about this earlier. It surprised more because the show is being hosted by her megastar father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan.
However, the shoot was held on the scheduled time on the 25th October evening in presence of all other actors as well as the director Vipul Shah. But the speculation about her absence was still doing the rounds as the actress did not offer any valid reason.
Now, one peculiar reason has come up justifying her absence from the promotional episode of KBC 4. There is a buzz that Ash canceled her participation at the last moment when she came to know that the money earned from the episode will be donated to Salman Khan's NGO 'Being Human'.
Even in her absence, the Action Replayy team managed to earn a huge amount of 50 lakh from the show and it was donated to 'Being Human'. Earlier, it was declared in KBC that Ash and Akki will take part in the show along with their Action Replayy team.
However, it really sounds a very silly reason if this is the actual reason of her absence. We thought Ash has grown up and has come a long way forgetting her past. But it seems she is still living in the past years. Salman was not using the money for his personal reasons and he was not even there in the show so there is no point to give a miss to this wonderful charitable work!
Friday, October 29, 2010 12:04 IST