Controversy surrounding this year's Oscar entry from India refuses to die. Actor Raghuvir Yadav, the Budhia of Peepli Live, said in a recent statement to the media that had it not been for Aamir Khan, their film would
not have made it to the numerous film festivals around the world.
We know that all has not been well between Peepli Live director Anusha Rizvi and its producer Aamir Khan. And now it seems that the
actors of the film too are not very pleased with Anusha Rizvi. She is a publicity seeker, says Raghuvir Yadav.
While Anusha Rizvi was of the opinion that it was Aamir Khan who hogged the limelight towards himself during the promotion work of Peepli Live, the actors have accused her of the same! Veteran theater personality
Raghuvir Yadav says that giving rise to unnecessary controversies is nothing but a publicity stunt on the part of Anusha Rizvi.
Well, who will the audiences believe in this case? It is true that it was because of Aamir Khan's efforts that the film could be made at a budget of 10 crores. And considering Peepli Live was an Aamir Khan production,
it got an opening that very few non-mainstream films can even dream of getting.
Anusha Rizvi has reportedly said that she will not be present at the Oscars too to promote her film. Will the tables change if Peepli Live returns home with an Oscar in tow? Wait and watch..
Friday, October 29, 2010 14:03 IST