Bollywood's style diva Sonam Kapoor shared her expertise on fashion at 'Fashion Class with Esprit' at the Esprit store at
Linking road in Bandra on Saturday.
'The Fashion Class' saw Sonam 'tutoring' Esprit aficionados, who turned out in huge numbers to get tips from the diva.
She shared tips on 'boyfriend dressing', the travel must have's this winter, tips on casual look for a relaxed brunch with
friends and the Hi-glam look for an evening out with that special someone.
The actor also picked her favorite pieces from Esprit's new winter collection.
If you think the men just stood and gaped, you are wrong!
There was something for them to look forward as Sonam shared fashion fundas on how men could get the 'Geek Chic' look
and chose pieces from the Men's range to get that suave evening look.
Monday, November 01, 2010 12:48 IST