Director Sanjay Bhansali has removed scenes where lead actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is seen 'moaning' in his upcoming film Guzaarish. We do understand if a director needs to bring some important changes in his film prior to release, but why should a 'moaning' scene be edited out?
Sanjay Bhansali explains the term saying that 'moaning' depicts the sexual bliss felt by Aishwarya Rai's character in his forthcoming release.
And going by the controversy that had started after the Aishwarya Rai – Hrithik Roshan liplock in Dhoom 2, Sanjay Bhansali is not prepared to draw any unwarranted attention to his film.
Sources close to the Guzaarish camp are of the opinion that the decision was taken by director Sanjay Bhansali, because he did not want any kind of trouble brewing up in the happily married life of his lead actress.
Besides, now that she is married, Aishwarya Rai too may feel uncomfortable viewing the intimate scenes with co-star and friend Hrithik with her family members.
Guzaarish shows the love story of a paraplegic and his nurse wife. Though Sanjay Bhansali had initially shot the intimate scenes with his lead pair, he was later heard saying that the particular scene which has been edited is not very important for the progress in the storyline. This reminds us of the towel-dropping scene of Ranbir Kapoor in Saawariya!
Monday, November 01, 2010 13:53 IST