Veteran theatre and Bollywood actor-director Makarand Deshpande will now be seen on the small screen. He has been roped in to promote Zee TV's upcoming show "Bhagowali- Baantein Apni Taqdeer".
"Being selected for the role of a sutradhar (presenter) to introduce the concept of 'Bhagowali' is a compliment, " Deshpande said in a press statement.
He will introduce the audience to the world of Runjhun, the lead protagonist of the show.
"The role of a sutradhar is usually offered to men with powerful voices and a strong personality. The premise of 'Bhagowali' sounds simple yet compelling and narrating it was quite interesting, " added the actor, who was seen in films like "Swades" and "Makdee".
The show is expected to go on air at the end of the month.
Wednesday, November 03, 2010 11:30 IST