Shooting began Monday for a film on the Rs.9 billion fodder scam in which Railway Minister Lalu
Prasad is one of the main accused.
The "mahurat" or opening shot featured a court ordering an enquiry into the scam by the Central Bureau
of Investigation (CBI).
"Hearing both parties (the petitioners seeking a CBI inquiry and the state opposing the this) we order a
CBI inquiry in the fodder scam in which public money was swindled to tune of thousands of crores of
rupees," said an actor playing a judge as the first shot of "Chara Chor Khanja Chor".
Its producer is state Bharatiya Janata Party leader Saryu Rai, one of the six people who have petitioned
the Patna High Court for action against Lalu Prasad in the scam.
"This is a challenging film that aims to expose people in high places. I have directed 12 documentary
films, but I have never felt so excited and thrilled as directing this movie" said Ajay Malkani, the director
of the film.
The film will be shot at Chaibasa, Ranchi, Patna, Kolkatta and New Delhi.
"The film will be completed in two months," said Rai.
Many feel that "Chara Chor Khanja Chor" is meant to counter Bollywood production "Padamashree
Laloo Prasad Yadav", which is not a film on the railway minister but depicts him in a favourable
Tuesday, October 12, 2004 12:57 IST