Hollywood actor Johnny Depp has reportedly signed on to play the lead role in a new movie,
Shantaram, in which he will portray a drug addict who escapes from an Australian prison to establish
himself as a fake doctor in the slums of Mumbai.
The movie, which is based on the real life story of Gregory David Roberts, who penned down his
adventures in a book by the same name, is being touted as one of the biggest Hollywood deals of the
year, and Warner Bros reportedly paid Roberts two million dollars for the film role, repots the Daily
Depp, who has earlier received critical acclaim for playing drug addict in the movie Fear and Loathing in
Las Vegas, was the film makers second choice after Oscar Winner Russell Crowe. The movie will also
star the Fight Club actress Helena Bonham Carter and Harry Potter actress Emily Watson.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004 12:59 IST