We are aware of the strong bond that filmmaker Karan Johar and actor Amitabh Bachchan share with one another. Both
Bollywood maestros have earlier worked on a couple of films together. But it is the latest gesture on the part of actor
Amitabh Bachchan which shows his love for the film director.
We are already aware of the fact that Karan Johar
has been taken ill with malaria and since then has not been able to come out of his residence. Big B, in spite of being the
busy man that he is, too, time out to visit his friend Karan at his residence and also spend time with the filmmaker.
According to reports, Amitabh Bachchan and Karan Johar shared dinner and held lengthy talks on the inside story of the
Bollywood fraternity.
Big B made sure to spend a couple of hours with his dear friend Karan Johar at his
residence to lift up the spirits of the filmmaker who could not even make it to the Berlin birthday bash of his best friend Shah
Rukh Khan this year.
Karan Johar has surely been hit by the malaria bug, but we are sure that with the best wishes of Amitabh Bachchan resting
on his shoulders, he will soon recover.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010 12:01 IST