Kiran Rao unveiled the first look of her film to the media yesterday. The event was scheduled for 12 pm and started exactly at 12.15. A rarity at a film event. She's won our hearts already. There were three trailers
shown. Aamir Khan features in two of them.
The promos have no dialogues but effectively delivers the content and the tone of the film. AK stayed away from the event, "Because he didn't want the attention to be on anything but the trailers."
But he
sent out sweet messages to few people to look after his "K" as she was nervous. Ms Rao was suitably nervous at her first major interaction with the media. The film releases on Jan 17.
Here's what Kiran told us at the event...
* "I have to tell Aamir's fans that this is not a ha-ha kind of comedy. Please don't go in expecting to see a 3 Idiots."
* "My films don't have dramatic moments or dialogues. It's like a slice of life."
* "I am nervous, but excited to see what response I get from people after seeing it.
* "The promos are being attached to Harry Potter and Guzaarish. Please go to the theatre early, else you will miss it."
Like hubby, like wife: Kiran Rao takes a leaf out of husband Aamir's pose-y book and plonks herself on the floor, much like the maverick filmmaker. Sure got the photog's attention.
Thursday, November 18, 2010 12:04 IST