Actor Samir Soni who has been evicted from Bigg Boss for standing up to Indian television's biggest bully Dolly Bhindra is more shocked by the proceedings than he would like to show to the outside world.
After some prodding he admits, "Frankly what happened towards the end did trouble me. I stood up for Shweta Tiwari against Dolly Bindra. Then Khali who was the gentlest one until he was nominated for eviction
decided to get physical with me. That very frankly was a turning point for me."
It was then that Samir decided to leave Bigg Boss House. "I was eventually evicted and I am glad. By then I had seen everyone's true colours on the show, so I wasn't surprised when they withdrew their support to me
one by one."
Even Shweta Tiwari for whom Samir had stood up decided to join hands with the Bigg Boss inmates. Says Samir gently, "It's a game. Everyone is there to win. I stayed long enough to realize there were no friends in
there. I don't what people on television saw. But I hope I conducted myself with dignity."
Samir's sudden eviction caused some discomfort for the channel since they were not ready to let him go home until the official day of eviction.
Back On Bigg Boss everything was back to normal. No one seemed to miss a man who went out of his way to be gentle and chivalrous.
Friday, November 19, 2010 13:12 IST