Defending her filmmaker husband Aamir Khan, first time director Kiran Rao says Anusha Rizvi, who has disassociated herself from "Peepli Live" over the credit controversy, was aware of all the promotional strategies designed for the movie.
"Anusha was very much aware of the promotional strategies. She had shot all the trailers herself. It was a decision taken by the entire team together. I am not aware how she feels about it now," said Kiran.
She is gearing up for the release of her directorial debut "Dhobi Ghat" and says her film is an art house movie and might not have as much mass appeal as "Peepli Live" because the latter was in many ways a mainstream cinema.
"Actually 'Peepli Live' is more of a mainstream film than mine. For one, it is entirely in Hindi and also it's a satirical comedy so there is lots of humour in it. Though it's a dark comedy, people could connect with it."
"As we went along (with the promotion of 'Peepli Live'), we were keen that the film should also reach out to people who are being talked about in the film. So the effort was definitely to reach out with our promotion and to interest them.
"A huge amount of distribution offer came from distributors, so number of prints were much higher than what we intended. So definitely 'Peepli Live' had a more mass appeal than may be my film will have," she added.
Friday, November 19, 2010 17:10 IST