Shahrukh Khan, the 'Badshah' of Bollywood is all set to return to the silver screen in the coming year. After the release of Karan Johar's My Name Is Khan, SRK had simply vanished into oblivion. He would make an
occasional appearance at press meets or interviews, but otherwise his absence from the silver screen for the most part of the year 2010 has made his fans quite desperate to have him back.
Thus, on his return to Mumbai from Berlin after completing the shooting schedule for the Farhan Akhtar's Don 2 recently, Shahrukh was greeted with a huge crowd at the airport. It seemed like people have flocked
together to welcome their king who is coming back after a long absence.
So what makes this star so much popular with the audience? The fact that he has an easy stance and doesn't have an air around him could be one major reason. His down-to-earth attitude enables the common man to
identify with him. This is one adorable star who has never got blinded by excessive popularity or the glitter of stardom.
Despite the fact that SRK has been on the list of the biggest of stars in B town, with his kitty worth in an amount unimaginable by a common man, he has kept his head well balanced on his shoulders. He has never let
anyone feel the greatness of his achievements.
Perhaps that's why he's known as the real king of Bollywood. His forth coming releases are Farhan Akhtar's Don 2, an action thriller and his home production
Ra.One, and sci- fi film.So watch out for this Khan in 2011.
Monday, November 22, 2010 12:43 IST