A court in the Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh has slapped a legal notice on the makers of reality television show ‘Bigg Boss' accusing them of showing vulgar content on screen.
While the I & B Ministry have stayed their probe into ‘Bigg Boss 4' being a program of adult viewership till this week Sunday, the legal notice coming from UP reinstates the fact that the reality TV show is not to be viewed by children.
Along with the producers and director of ‘Bigg Boss 4' who have been named, the notice also bears the names of host Salman Khan and contestants Dolly Bindra, Shweta Tiwari, Sameer Soni and Sara Khan along with husband Ali Merchant.
Media reports claim that a lawyer by the name of Anoop Kaushik filed the petition in the Aligarh district court on Friday. Everybody named in his petition stands guilty of violating clauses underlined in sections 293, 294 and 120B of the Indian Penal Code. The UP court has set 24th November as the hearing date of the ‘Bigg Boss 4' case.
As if fights between the house inmates were not enough, ‘Bigg Boss 4' has repeatedly entered into controversial areas first by showcasing a very private ceremony like marriage on a public platform and then by the vulgar displays put forward between male and female contestants of the show. Though all of these have been favorable to the TRP count of the reality show, it has also run ‘Bigg Boss' into trouble.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 11:54 IST