Debutant Ranveer Singh, who is set to make his debut with Yashraj Films' "Band Baaja Baaraat", says he was not insecure
working with his co-actor Anushka Sharma even though she has already done two films.
"The first thing I knew even before I knew Anushka was the script. So I knew that the story is character-driven. It's all about
these two characters; so when I read the script I knew that they were there in the story in equal proportion and that's what
gave me the reassurance, " Ranveer told.
"I was never doubtful or scared that I won't be able to make my space. There was so much for me to sink my teeth into that I
never felt any problem, " he added.
The film directed by new director Maneesh Sharma will hit the screens Dec 10.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 11:59 IST