Shah Rukh Khan, the star who has portrayed almost every kind of role on screen had been mostly labeled as a romantic star due to his films revolving around such themes which are typical of Bollywood style.
However, the next year will see the star in a completely new niche as an actor since he will be playing the lead in mostly
action based thrillers.
Shahrukh has always been considered a very good actor for depicting soft romantic flings on the silver screen, but with
movies like Don 2 and RA.ONE releasing in 2011 he will have the typical action hero tag on him.
Even though
his role in Don2 is touted to be on a more positive line and in RA.ONE as being a scientist who falls into a deep problem due
to his own invention, the characters will give him a huge jump in his versatility as far as his acting skills go.
Besides these two flicks which will see him in two different roles, there are reports that SRK will also be seen in a negative
role in Dhoom 3, which will widen his scope in the performance area. Thus, SRK will be seen jumping from action to double
action in his role as the negative character in Dhoom 3.
Of course to see the great romantic in a negative character will be hard for the audiences to digest, but as an actor
Shahrukh really has taken a huge leap forward. All his films are being looked forward to by his most dedicated fans!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 12:01 IST