Sanjay and Maanayata Dutt have finally named their twin babies. The boy is called Shahraan and the girl, Iqra.
The boy's name comes from two words 'Shah' means 'royal' and 'Raan' is 'knight' or 'warrior'. 'Iqra' means 'to educate'.
The names were picked by Sanju and Maana when they'd gone on their Egyptian holiday a few months ago.
Shahraan is a Persian name while Iqra is a Hebrew one. The Dutts wanted their boy's first letter to start with the letter 'S' like
Sanjay Dutt and his father Sunil Dutt.
The source says, "So Shahraan will be known as Junior SD. Iqra and Trishala (Sanju's elder daughter from first wife Richa
Sharma) sound in rhythm with each other and were chosen accordingly."
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 13:28 IST