South Indian sizzling actress Sona is in wild mood these days. The actress has always experimented with her dressing style, look and also the characters that she portrays. However, this time, she has decided to opt
for a different look in real life.
The actress turned producer was recently seen at a press meet sporting her new look. She was promoting her debut production venture at the meet and everyone was stunned to see the changed look.
Sona was quoted saying that she has got tired of her straight hair look and wanted to try out the curly thing. She added that she wanted to have this wild look and get her hair colored differently. The actress did not
forget to add that it is not for any of her upcoming films but for her own satisfaction.
The hot actress seems to be enjoying her life at its best by trying out new things in life. We hope this agile mode of her reflects in her upcoming movies too!
Friday, November 26, 2010 11:23 IST