There might be hope for India's national wildlife treasure, with actor Amitabh Bachchan enthusiastic about shooting
Priyadarshan's Tiger in the Suderbans forest of West Bengal
A thriller revolving around the theme of preserving tigers is now ready to roll. Directed by Priyadarshan, and featuring Amitabh
Bachchan in the lead, Tiger is going to champion the cause of India's national animal in a thriller format.
Also starring Akshaye Khanna, it will be shot in the Sundarbans, home to the Royal Bengal tiger.
Bachchan is said to be taking a keen interest in the research to ensure authenticity is preserved. Last week, he had a
closed-door meeting with Priyadarshan and producer Shailendra Singh of Percept, where Bachchan is said to have made
several suggestions for the script; something he hasn't done before.
"It's a dear project for him. He wants this film to not only be an entertainer but also spread awareness on the near-extinction
of the tiger, " says Priyadarshan. "Do your homework and come back with the final script so we can start shooting, "
Bachchan is said to have told the director.
Tiger is being described as "Priyadarshan's Bhool Bhulaiya in the forest, " but had been put on the backburner, thanks to its
exorbitant budget.
But with ecological preservation back in the news, the project is being perceived as commercially viable.
"I've been trying to work out a project with Mr Bachchan for years. When I came up with Tiger, he was enthusiastic, " the
director says.
Monday, November 29, 2010 11:53 IST