Bollywood actress Neha Dhupia says she took inspiration from Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati to get her regional dialect right for her role of a female gangster in upcoming comedy "Phas Gaye Re Obama".
"As I play a gangster from UP in the film, I had to get that language right and so I observed Mayawati to learn how she speaks. She is the only woman whose dialect, whether she is serious or funny, is extremely
monotonous. So I have tried to incorporate this in my character. However, my character is not inspired by her, " Neha told.
The actress was here at PVR BluO in Ambience Mall to promote her new film along with co-stars Rajat Kapoor, Sanjay Mishra and director Subhash Kapoor.
The former Miss India has donned the role of a dacoit, Munni Madam, in the film directed by Subhash Kapoor. The film, which is due to release Dec 3 alongside Ashutosh Gowariker's "Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey", is
set against the backdrop of global recession that originated in the US.
Although Neha is the only female lead in the film but the actress admits she is more of a boy than a girl.
"I am not the heroine of the film. I am one of heroes. It is a male part in a female form, ' she added.
Monday, November 29, 2010 13:49 IST