"Guadeloupe has a very strong India connect. My family also has members of Indian origin. I hope one of you could take the message to her. I really want to make a film with Madhuri Dixit in it, " said Lara, whose film "Lost Heritage" is being screened at the 41st International Film Festival of India (IFFI).
Guadeloupe is an archipelago located in the Leeward Islands, in the Lesser Antilles, with a land area of 1, 628 sq km and a population of 400, 000.
Lara also said that for a country which does not have a single studio or a processing laboratory on its soil, making a film was akin to an exploit.
"My mother still asks me to get a serious job, " said Lara, who has more than 20 films to his credit, most of which have made rounds of the various film festivals across the world.
"This is the first time that my film is being screened in India. Cinema in this country is the only competition to Hollywood. The only difference between Bollywood and Hollywood cinema is that the former makes very repetitive cinema. There is nothing new, both cinemas are sound on technique, " he said.
Praising Hollywood for its sense of professionalism, Lara said that on many occasions movies coming out of Hollywood lacks a sense of story, but technology made their movies better.
"Whatever you say about it, Hollywood technicians are professionals, " he said.
Praising the film "I am Kalam", which was also screened at the IFFI this year, Lara said that the film marked a new path for Indian cinema.