TV report suggests that the publicity stunt was meant to give the charity show free media mileage
A report on a TV channel in Mumbai has suggested that item girl Yana Gupta could have been allegedly paid to go
'pantyless' and create the publicity stunt which was the talk of the town for a few days.
The idea was to give the
charity event that she attended some 'free publicity' and additional media mileage than would have otherwise accrued to the
The TV report has suggested that Yana Gupta was 'currently not so happening' compared to other 'more
happening' item girls or pin-up and Page 3 models and the wardrobe malfunction brought her into the lime light once again
with both Mid-day and Bombay Times front-paging the 'accident'.
Given the way Yana Gupta was holding the promotional material for the charity event, while giving shutterbugs a sneak peak
of her panty-less crotch suggests that it was a well-thought-of publicity stunt to bring the brand or logo of the charity into
media focus.
Friday, December 03, 2010 13:52 IST