Well-known television actor Rohit Roy has said in a statement to the media that he will not team up with his wife Mansi
Joshi for any project in the future. Mansi Joshi is also a popular TV actress in India.
Well, before you start the
speculations, Rohit Roy is not angry with his wife, rather the actor explains that it is very difficult manage his wife, especially
if you have to direct her for a role on television. So does Mansi Joshi throw constant tantrums on the sets?
says Rohit Roy, explaining that it is difficult to manage her because she is a thorough professional!
Rohit Roy has just turned creative director and his film 'Cute Meet Love' will premiere on television network Zoom, this
In a statement to the media, Rohit Roy says that he got a taste of the professional nature of his wife
Mansi Joshi when he started directing her for 'Cute Meet Love'.
In fact, Mansi Joshi was so much involved with
her character in the film that she completely forgot her real self during the days she was working on husband Rohit Roy's
project. And it was this nature of his wife's which Rohit Roy found very disturbing, forcing him to consider not working with
Mansi Joshi for any future project.
'Cute Meet Love' also stars television actor Harsh Chhaya and a six-year-old kid who plays the role of an attention disorder
patient. The film premieres on Zoom TV this Saturday.
Friday, December 03, 2010 20:01 IST