Pradhuman Singh recently came back with a bag full of memories from Goa Film Festival. The 41st International Film
Festival of India (IFFI) opened on Monday at Panaji, Goa where his super success movie Tere bin Laden was screened along
with movies from various genres and language. This years IFFI is really special as it has created the Short Film Centre, an
initiative to bring together short film makers and funders.
The movie received an overwhelming response from the people and the jury, the response has shaken Pradhuman who
played Osama's character fantastically.
He was very touched by the response and when the audience came to
know that he was present there, everyone ran to him to click photographs with him and take his autograph. People really
appreciated his acting talent and are waiting to see him on screen again.
Pradhuman has been receiving a lot of offers these days. According to the source, "Pradhuman has already signed a film a
very well known Production house and he will be playing a very strong character in the film.
An official
announcement will soon be made about the further details of the film. Pradhuman has been getting many movie offers and it
is not being restricted only to comedy but from various genres. The talented actor is sure to go long. "
Monday, December 06, 2010 11:44 IST