Ranveer Singh's audition for BBB was extremely anecdotal. Ranveer was on a date, when his casting director tried to reach him for a role in the YRF movie. She left him 7 missed calls and finally left him a text message saying "Adi Chopra audition".
When Ranveer finally saw the message he nearly jumped out of his skin! He wore a t-shirt which read "Born To Be Famous" for his audition. While auditioning for BBB, Ranveer danced on the songs "My name is Lakhan" and "Chaiyaan Chaiyaan."
Director Maneesh Sharma remarked that Ranveer's moves are meant for the streets and not films! Eventually Ranveer's personality as well as talent completely bowled Maneesh over and he bagged the role of Bittoo Sharma in Band Baaja Baaraat!
Monday, December 06, 2010 12:57 IST