Fashionista Sonam Kapoor, who has been shooting for Pankaj Kapoor's "Mausam" in Patiala, couldn't help but go on a shopping spree.
"Last day in Patiala... bought beautiful mojris, patiala salwars, phulkari dupattas and parandas, great craftsmanship here..., " Sonam posted on Twitter.
Though she sports a lot of high-end international labels, street shopping is also quite Sonam's cup of tea.
She laments that a lot of Indian crafts are taking a backseat.
"Local artisans are extremely talented. But a lot of the local crafts like phulkari embroidery are dying. It's really sad because their work is so fine and beautiful. "
Monday, December 06, 2010 13:35 IST