Having done nine Bollywood films in four years, Deepika Padukone's co-stars range from Shah Rukh Khan to Akshay Kumar and Saif Ali Khan. The rising star now has her eyes set on Aamir, Salman and Hrithik
Caught in the whirlwind of two back to back releases 'Break Ke Baad' and 'Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey', ask Deepika what is next on her agenda and pat comes her reply, "I am looking forward to working with Aamir,
Salman and Hrithik."
She made her debut opposite SRK in 'Om Shanti Om' and starred with Saif in her fourth film 'Love Aaj Kal'. With Akshay, Deepika has done two films - 'Chandni Chowk to China' and 'Housefull'. With five releases in
2010 alone, the 24-year-old actress has her hands full and is content with the films coming her way.
"I am very happy with the films I am being offered. This year has been a classic example of mixture of
films from different genres.
I would like to continue this trend, " said Deepika, who began her year with psychological thriller 'Karthik Calling Karthik' and ended it with a patriotic period movie 'Khelein Hum...'
Even though she is
juggling different genres with ease at an early stage in her career, Deepika says the process she undergoes as an actor is same for every film. "I am still in the process of getting into a character, living in it, trying to
portray it well.
Whether I do a 'Break Ke Baad' or 'Om Shanti Om' or KHJJS, the process for me is the same." Deepika, who has a some romantic comedies in her kitty including 'Bachna Ae Haseeno' and the recent 'Break Ke Baad',
says she enjoys acting in such films as she grew up watching movies of the kind.
"As an audience I have grown up watching romcoms and love stories like Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge, which had the
typical opposing parents, rebellious children and so much drama. I like to star in such movies as an actor as well. I would love to have played Kajol's role in DDLJ, " she said.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010 11:36 IST