The animation films in India, could never do very well except the 2005 film Hanuman, which had its animation created by Silvertoons. Bhagmati- The Queen of Fourtunes, was the first Indian animation film, which took 3
years to come on the big screen. This film starred Hema Malini, Tabu and Milind Soman and started the animation film journey of the country.
Since then, several animation films have been made in India, which includes India's first 3D animated film Roadside Romeo, joint venture between Indian division of the Walt Disney Company and Yash Raj Films. Actor
turned director Jugal Hansraj was the writer and director of the film.
Some other Indian animated films include Kittu (2006), Krishna (2006), Return of Hanuman (2007), Dashavatar (2008), Ghatothkach (2008), Cheenti Cheenti Bang Bang (2008), Arjun – The Warrior Prince (2009), Bal
Ganesh (2009) and Lav Kush - The Warrior Twins (2010). But none of them were very successful like the mainstream movies or any other Hollywood projects.
Toonpur Ka Superrhero directed by Kireet Khurana, is coming on the big screen on this December 24, on the eve of Christmas.
This first Indian live action 3D animation combination feature film is coming
with the hope of breaking all the record of desi animation films. The film star couple Ajay Devgn and Kajol in the lead roles and her mom Tanuja will also make a special appearance. It will have both live and animated
characters so we can expect a fun filled Christmas release with this movie.
The kids can fancy their imaginative world with Toonpur Ka Superhero. Hope the magic of Ajay and Kajol along with the animated characters does the real magic at the Box Office also!
Friday, December 10, 2010 11:04 IST