Bollywood actress Neetu Chandra who hails from Bihar is terribly upset with Home Minister P.Chidambaram's statement
that 'migrants commit crimes in Delhi'.
"Criminals commit crime, not migrants, " said Neetu. Learning that Chidambaram retracted his statement later, she
remarked, "Are our politicians so fickle-minded that they make statements and retract them later?"
"We need leaders who unite us, not divide us like Britishers did, " said the firebrand.
"Migrants have been building Delhi. They have made the metros and the flyovers, the malls and the multiplexes and we all
are proud of our capital.
But such a statement from the Home Minister is not only disappointing but a very
dangerous one. I hope there is a law against politicians who make such irresponsible remarks, " Neetu added.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 11:27 IST