Popular Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar Thursday said that the ongoing Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF) was a great
platform to connect the Arab world to Indian cinema and did not rule out joint ventures.
"It's a tremendous festival and a great platform connecting the Arab world to Indian cinema, " Karan said here.
The filmmaker was invited to the seventh edition of DIFF for a panel discussion on the prospect of business and cultural
collaboration with various foreign film industries.
He said he would love a venture with Middle East directors, if he likes the subject.
"It's all content driven. If there is a subject that comes my way and demands that, why not?" Karan told after the panel
Asked if he would plot a love story with an Arab socio-cultural backdrop, he said: "Who knows...it depends on the screenplay."
Reliance Entertainment chairman Amit Khanna accompanied Karan Johar at the panel discussion.
The festival, which started Sunday, will conclude Dec 19.
Friday, December 17, 2010 11:55 IST