Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai turned 31 Monday, contending with not only a viral infection but hordes
of fans who crowded her residence to greet her.
It was proof enough that her popularity is hardly on the wane, as some would like to believe.
Virtually everyone came calling - well-wishers, friends and acquaintances, and even strangers. The
phones rang incessantly and the flow of SMSs just doesn't stop coming.
"It's been a hectic adventurous see-saw year for me," tells Aishwarya.
To the extent that even the fever was at worst a minor nuisance.
"I was with a friend the whole evening. As we chatted into the night, my fever rose. And I thought, 'Uh-oh,
there goes my birthday.' Fortunately I've woken up this morning feeling okay," she said.
Everyone, including a certain Mr. Oberoi brought in the Queen Bee's birthday Sunday night.
"And now I've taken today, my birthday off just to be with family and friends. Don't you think I deserve a
She sure does. There's a perceptible reluctance to speak about the love of her life in print. She's afraid to
utter a word on the 'O' (Vivek Oberoi) front.
"My lips are sealed. All I can say is Vivek and Aishwarya are very happy together."
Of course she's within her rights to keep her personal life under wraps.
"If everyone wants to break us up, let them. It doesn't mean we'll oblige."
She's determined not to let any of the party-poopers dampen her spirits. There're messages and calls
from every part of the world including one, of course, from the self-confessed Aishwarya admirer Amitabh
Bachchan who's shooting in Mauritius.
"Amitji is so sweet. I received such a beautiful message from him. Everyone is being so sweet and
generous. It's almost as if this is my first birthday with my family and friends. It feels THAT special."
Tuesday, November 02, 2004 12:42 IST