The Band Baaja Baraat hero lists his pick of flicks...
Raja Babu: I have watched it about thirty times. I am a big fan of David Dhawan and love all his films but this one is special.
When I was a kid, my friends used to tease me and call me a mama's boy the urban Raja Babu.
Life Is Beautiful: I watched it at a stage where I was just not doing anything constructive with my life, but after watching I cut my
long hair short and began to appreciate what my parents had done for me, the importance of family and count my blessings.
Full Metal Jacket: I used to think guns and violence were macho and cool. But after watching this violent film, I started despising
violence. I realised violence is not cool and peace and love are the most important.
Scarface: I had given up my dream to become an actor when I watched this film. Al Pacino's performance was amazing and it
completely blew me away. It pushed me towards pursuing my own acting ambitions.
Taxi Driver: I first watched this Martin Scorsese film as part of a filmmaking course I was doing. Till then, I had watched only feel
good cinema. This film broadened my horizon and made me realise that every film does not have to have a happy ending.
Monday, December 20, 2010 11:10 IST