Bollywood music director Aadesh Shrivastava has reached another milestone in his career as he has recently recorded a song with American R&B singer Akon. The Grammy Award nominated singer was invited to
come to Mumbai by Aadesh and Umesh Chug, who is also partner of Akon.
Akon came to shoot for the album 'One for the World', which will be produced by Umesh Chug under Avinisiya Entertainment. Umesh is the chairman and founder of the company, which works with documentary,
serials, reality shows and special effects film. They shot the album's video at Filmistan Studio in Goregaon.
The R&B singer said that they attempted to generate harmony and peace in the world through this album. They also aim to spread the message of international brotherhood through this venture.
The album will be released worldwide after the entire recording process is completed. The album will also show the glimpses of Aadesh's son Avitesh, who has some of his vocal parts in the track of Akon. Aadesh has
composed the song and has also sung few lines with Akon. This is no doubt a great achievement for the Indian music director.
They have also plans to organize fashion shows in India and abroad with the same noble aim.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 12:19 IST