Rani Mukerji is back with a bang in Bollywood. The actress, who plays a crime reported in her upcoming film No One Killed Jessica, has changed her total personality for the sake of her real comeback this time. She
was almost vanishing from the Bollywood and this film is her only hope now to revive her acting career.
The 32 year old Bengali beauty has broken her barrier with media and has become very friendly with them. The actress was seen laughing and enjoying her time with the media persons during a recent press
conference for the promotion of the film.
The otherwise media shy actress has now become very appreciative about the journalists and she has some boosting words for the crime reporters. Rani thinks that
No One Killed Jessica will change the opinion of the people about the crime reporters, who risk their lives to get the real story.
The actress thinks that people will understand how tough is the profession and they will start respecting the crime reporters for their hard work. She thinks the viewers will salute the crime reporters after watching No
One Killed Jessica, which is based on the controversial Jessica Lall case.
Rani says that her character in the film will make others realize that how brave and fearless a person has to be to become a crime reporter. The bubbly actress says that one of the reasons of her signing the film was,
her character being a journalist.
According to her the case got a huge boost due to constant media support and thus granting justice for the deceased and her family members.
No One Killed Jessica also stars Vidya Balan, who plays Jessica's sister Sabrina Lall. It is set to hit the theaters on January 7 and we hope Rani's words come true and the viewers really start respecting the crime
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 12:37 IST