Her production house, Balaji will host the first film and TV awards, where both mediums will get due recognition
Come February 2011, Ekta Kapoor's Balaji will host their first Global TV and Film Awards.
A source from her company explains the significance, "Normally, Indian award shows either have film or TV categories (never both). In February 2007, Ekta's awards show hosted the awards in the TV category.
Their event in February 2011 will give away awards in both categories (TV and film). The event will kick off at a small function abroad while the main event will be held in Mumbai depending on the availability of stars.
Ekta is pulling out all stops to make it the most talked about event in 2011. When she had the TV awards Shah Rukh Khan had performed at the grand finale with TV's top 10 stars."
The source says that Balaji stopped hosting awards after that as the television industry went through a metamorphosis and the TV channel that Balaji had entered into a contract with to co-host the event, also ran into
Says Kapoor, "This is the first time that TV and films will both be in sync with each other.
Today some of B-Town's biggest stars are in films and some of the biggest TRPs on TV comes from Hindi films so the amalgamation between the television and film industry is strong.
In the past year, TV and films have found a space where they can co-exist. Earlier television hadn't found that stature and was not given its due but today both these mediums have found their niche."
The TV czarina promises that the Balaji Awards will be completely fair and unbiased. "We are getting an interesting jury on board. There will be a proper marking system.
The TV and film categories are completely different with different people heading them to make the awards unbiased.
We want to create a precedent of being the most unbiased of awards. We can't lobby for our own films. I am keeping my distance from the awards and only looking into the acts. It should be the most talked about.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 12:40 IST