Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor is a great believer in attending the mid night mass every Christmas. Now the reason for Bebo
going to the mid night mass to the church is because her mom Babita is a very religious lady and she never misses her mass
service on Christmas.
Kareena's mom is a Christian and for all Christians attending this service is akin to being very devoted to God and ultimately
becoming the human being with a good heart.
So Kareena has always made it a point to be at her mother's side at this time of the year, that is to say the 25th of December to
attend the mid night mass and always makes it a point to keep herself free from any shooting schedule or any other
commitment so that her commitment to her mom is always kept intact.
Thus this year too, Kareena is all set to attend the mid night mass with her mom and due to that she had asked Shahrukh Khan
for this day to be kept off from all shooting schedulers for his home production RA.ONE. SRK, being the kind and considerate
human being that he is had agreed and thus Bebo is free on that day to attend the mass.
Well, with such dedicated stars in tinsel town what can one say but –May God bless you Kareena!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 13:51 IST