Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan is reportedly going to take his beloved Kareena Kapoor off to Switzerland for a New Year bonanza
as this is the place that Kareena loves the most as had been revealed by the two at a recent popular chat show.
Now with the two flying off into the snow capped mountains of the paradise on earth Switzerland many were speculating that this
New Year would certainly see them back with a happy smile fixed on their faces as Saif just might pop the ultimate question to
Kareena and propose to her.
As such speculations were still on fresh reports doing the rounds suggest that it is
going to be a great family affair out there in Switzerland for both the stars.
Reports are that Saif's parents Tiger Pataudi and Sharmila Tagore are also scheduled to be heading in for Switzerland to
welcome the New Year.
Joining them along are Kareena's mom Babita and her sis Karisma Kapoor with her two
kids Samaira and Kian who are also scheduled to join in the party. Thus the Pataudis and the Kapoors are going to ring in the
New Year together, making it quite an awesome party of sorts.
Well with Saif and Kareena busy telling the world that they are going to tie the knot only in 2012, will destiny play a great role
and get them into marital bliss sooner? Wait n watch!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 13:57 IST