Vishal Malhotra, the television personality who is well known for hosting many shows like Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega etc, just tied the knot with a cute gal called Rashi Chopra in Rajasthan at the Kanota Castle in the first week of December and had also given a grand reception in a very popular hotel in one of Mumbai's suburbs has no time to relax and is still down with a lot of pressure of work, work and more work!
The busy guy had to immediately get down to work after his reception got over leaving his newly wed bride all alone. But what are the newly weds plans for the New year?
Well reports are that the couple is to enjoy a great New Years right in Mumbai as Vishal has to join back work from the 3rd of January. However, there is going to be a long break for the actor in March and that is when the couple is to head for their honeymoon.
But what about his wife? How does she spend her days after her wedding to this busy guy called Vishal?
Well the actor has made sure that his lovely wife doesn't get bored while he is away and thus the couple have shifted to their new flat in Khar, this flat has to be done up from scratch as earlier Vishal used to live with his parents in Pali Hill so this flat of his had not been furnished.
Thus while Vishal is busy finishing off his shooting schedules, his wife is busy with the flat and its complete decoration right from the furniture to the furnishings! God now that's a smart move from the bright couple what say?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 11:33 IST