Anil Kapoor has pulled of really some great stunts in his three decade spanned film career, the act of going invisible, fighting the goons and many more. He will soon be seen carrying put some other kinds of stunts along with the Hollywood hottie Tom Cruise, but Anil Kapoor is now involved in another Mission Impossible game.
It is no on-screen role but in real life the guy seems to haven't aged. This Friday, 24th Dec' Anil will be celebrating his 51st birthday with his friends but the guy still looks like a young kid on the block. When the actor is quizzed about his ageless look, he tells that he is just blessed with great genes that allow him to look young even at the age of 50.
Also when most people at his age are slowing down the Anil still finds it fun to live out of his suitcase, jet setting between Indian films shoots locations and Hollywood's shooting locations. Kapoor though admits that at times the change of language, ambience, style and people around does become tough at times but he still finds it fun.
Anil Kapoor still has his platter full with films like sequels to Race, No Entry, Mr. India and other Bollywood films like Power and Tezz. There are some Hollywood projects too apart from the Mission: Impossible- Ghost Protocol, Anil is in talks with Ben Stiller, Sophia Loren's son and Fox Television as well. He seems in no hurry to slow down and take on roles of father and uncle anytime soon and why should he since he has his looks.
Thursday, December 23, 2010 12:38 IST