Bollywood director Kunal Kohli is the man, who has brought together the Kaminey pair again for his film.
Chopra and Shahid Kapoor became hot on-screen as well as off-screen couple after showing magical on screen chemistry in the
Vishal Bharadwaj's film Kaminey. But then, their off-on relationship came on the way of coming on screen together again.
Now, love seems to be in the air again as both the actors have reportedly agreed to pair again for Kohli's film. Recently, there
was a buzz that the couple has patched up again and is trying to give their relationship a final chance. It seems that it is again
yet another gimmick to promote this upcoming film.
However, Kohli has been the lucky man because they made great couple onscreen and audience love to watch them. The movie
will start shooting in 2011.
One close friend of Priyanka was quoted saying that the actress loved the script as well
as her role so she is trying to manage her dates for the film. The friend added that Shahid and Priyanka have been good friends
so she had no issues being paired with the actor.
Recently, both the actors appeared on Karan Johar's chat show 'Koffee with Karan' and they looked very comfortable with each
other's company. So, it seems they are going to give another hit Break Ke Baad!
Friday, December 24, 2010 19:06 IST